One academic year consists of two 14-week semesters excluding the registration and final exam periods. The University Senate can extend or shorten the length of semesters if necessary. Summer semesters can be offered when needed, the conditions of which are determined by the University Senate. Course programmes during undergraduate studies and the distribution of courses between the semesters are arranged by the department concerned, confirmed by the Faculty Committee, and approved by the Senate.
Students must attend classes, practical sessions, laboratory practice and examinations. Students' attendance is recorded by the instructor concerned.
Examinations and Assessment:
In addition to midterm examinations and other work, students are required to take a final examination. At least one midterm examination is given during each semester. Final examinations are held at the appropriate place and hour as decided and announced by the University.
The student is given a grade by the course instructor, taking into account the midterm examinations, final examinations, the semester's work and attendance. Students are given a make-up examination for any examination which they have not attended if it is accepted by the Faculty Administrative Comittee that there exist genuine and valid reasons for this.
Courses which do not require midterm and/or final examinations are determined by the Department concerned and the Registrar's Office is informed accordingly. Under these circumstances, the semester grade is given by evaluating the work done throughout the semester.
The practical and/or laboratory components may be evaluated separately. In this case, the course and practical and/or laboratory sessions taken separately must confirm to the above regulations.
In order to be eligible to enter final examinations, students must have attended at least 70% of theoretical lessons and 80% of practical lessons. Lack of attendance for any reason disqualifies a student from sitting the examination.
All examination results are converted into a lettered scale- AA, BA, BB etc.- in which the mid-term exam counts for 40% and the final exam 60% of the final mark. A final result of 60% or above is a definite pass, 40-60% is a conditional pass, and less than 40% a definite failure. High grades in some lessons may make up for poor grades in other subjects, and students have the right to raşise their average by retaking modules if they wish to.
Partial Failure
At COMU it is not possible to retake failed lessons and students may obtain fewer credits than hoped. In this situation, the students will have to repeat the module the following year at COMU. In the case of exchange students, the home institution may permit the student to take its own assessments, and may then award its own credits. Institutional rules are very diverse in this respect.