About KA171 (ICM) agreements
KA 171 Erasmus agreements are made on a departmental basis and requests are forwarded to us by the departments. Therefore, you can reach the contact information of the departmental coordinators from the link below for the agreements you want to make.
For introduce us you can find here some informations;
You can obtain detailed information about the university, facilties, services, social activities at http://www.comu.edu.tr/en/
We have 20 faculties within our organisation. You can find any answer on this website about faculties https://global.comu.edu.tr/faculties
Moreover we have english lessons for our guests so they can get information from here https://courses.comu.edu.tr/
In case there is any need you can look https://iro.comu.edu.tr/ or send an -e mail to erasmusicmcomu.edu.tr
Our address is Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Dış İlişkiler Koordinatörlüğü, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Binası, Zemin Kat 17020, Çanakkale