Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erasmus Birimi

Application for the Incoming Staff

Application for the Incoming Staff


We're glad to welcome incoming staff (either for teaching and for trainingfrom our partner universities: we believe that these exchanges are highly beneficial to strengthen the international bond between institutes.


Before applying to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University as an incoming staff member, though, make sure that your home university has an Erasmus+ Agreement with us covering the Teaching & Training section as well.
When applying, you'll see that the procedure to carry out is quite simple and the Erasmus Office will always be of assistance.
If you are a professor in your home university, you need to complete the Erasmus Staff Exchange Form (Teaching) whereas the form to complete if you are a staff member is the Erasmus Staff Exchange Form (Training).
After completing the right form for you, we kindly ask you to send it to: erasmusincomingcomu.edu.tr. Then, we'll forward your application to the relevant Departmental Coordinator: she/he will approve it and you'll receive an Invitation Letter afterwards.


Erasmus Staff Exchange Form (Teaching).docx
Erasmus Staff Exchange Form (Training).docx